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I’m Julie Devi Coats

I'm into science visualization & communication

Scroll down for a deeper dive into my work and interest areas.

Home: Welcome
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Hey there! I'm Julie. I'm a medical illustrator with a penchant for visualizing science and a passion for global health and community initiatives. I believe science-driven visualizations can advance a healthier, more sustainable, and more empathetic future.


Please explore my site, click lots of things, and reach out to me with questions. I'd love to hear from you. 

Home: About Me

My Work


Science Visualization

I have roughly a decade's worth of medical illustration under my belt.

Let's start a project or two on global and public health!

Image by Volodymyr Hryshchenko

Science Communication

There are all sorts of science communication challenges, and I'm most interested in finding solutions through coordination, research, and community engagement.

Home: Skills
Home: Blog Feed

©2019 by Julie Devi Coats. Proudly created with

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